
Comprehensive Dental Care for Your Entire Family
From routine check-ups and preventive care to advanced restorative treatments, we offer a full range of dental services to keep your smile healthy and bright. Our practice provides:

Advanced Restorative Care

Preventative Services

Cleanings, Exams, X-rays, Sealants, Oral Cancer Screening

Restorative Services

Dental Fillings, Crown and Bridge, Implants, Root Canals and Dentures

Cosmetic Services

Veneers and Teeth Whitening

Gum Disease Therapy

Deep Cleaning, Osseous Surgery

Our Clinic Preventative Services



Dental cleanings should be routine for optimal oral hygiene. A Cleaning is a procedure that involves the removal of plaque buildup with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. This procedure should be completed every 6 months and every 3 months for patients who are at a higher risk for cavities or periodontal disease.

Dental Exams & Oral Cancer Screening

Dental Exams & Oral Cancer Screening:

A critical part of preventive health care is your dental exam. Your dental exam evaluates your risk for developing cavities and gum disease. During your dental exam, the dentist will not only check for cavities and gum disease but assess your general oral health for other issues such as abnormalities in your neck and facial region. As a part of your dental exam an oral cancer screening is completed. Oral Cancer Screenings are completed to identify oral cancer early for a greater chance of a cure.



Dental X-rays are commonly used by dentist to detect cavities, bone loss, and dental lesions. A full set of X-rays, which consists of 18 images, is taken for all new patients in order to have a comprehensive exam. Recall X-rays, which consist of 7 images, are recommended once a year or every 6 months for all patients depending on general oral health. A Panoramic X-ray is taken to evaluate wisdom teeth and dental landmarks for patients who may issue with their wisdom teeth or may experience jaw pain.



A sealant is a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars and premolars. Most cavities begin in the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. A sealant protects the tooth by sealing the grooves, creating a smooth and easy-to-clean surface.

Cosmetics Services

Cosmetics Services

Our Clinic Preventative Services



Fillings are needed to restore and stabilize teeth that have lost enamel due to decay, erosion, or chips. There are many types of fillings, but the most common fillings are known as composite fillings. Composite fillings which are white in color are a mixture of powdered glass and plastic resin. These fillings look very natural once placed inside the tooth to replace the missing structure. The benefits of having composite fillings are that they release a small amount of fluoride to help reduce your risk of carries.

Restorative Services



When a tooth can no longer be restored with fillings, a crown is recommended. A crown or cap is placed over the tooth to protect and restore its shape. Dental crowns can be made out of porcelain, ceramic materials, or even metal.

Root Canals

Root Canals:

When an active infection is present at the apex of the root or the nerve inside of your tooth dies due to trauma or decay a root canal is needed. A root canal is a process of removing diseased tissue from the inner chamber of your tooth. Root canal therapy will require one to three visits. After the root canal has completed a crown is recommended to support the remaining tooth structure.



Dentures are prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth. They are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of your oral cavity. Dentures are removable appliances. However, some dentures may clasp onto teeth or even be fixed in place by implants. If you need dentures and want to know what the best option is for you, please consult with our dental team.



A dental implant is a metal post that is placed into the jaw to replace the root portion of a missing tooth. Implants are designed to look like natural teeth, giving you a natural smile. In order to be a candidate for implants, you must have optimal oral hygiene, solid bone density, and a good immune system. Not everyone will be a candidate for dental implants. To determine if you are eligible for implants please consult with our dental team.



There are two types of dental extractions, simple and surgical. A simple extraction can be completed by the dentist without the need for major surgery. If the tooth is involved in advanced periodontal disease, fractured, or decayed beyond restoration then it will need to be extracted. Surgical extractions require major surgery. When teeth are enclosed into the jawbone, a surgical extraction is recommended by the dentist. The removal of wisdom teeth is a common surgical extraction.

Cosmetics Services



Veneers are a thin layer of material that is placed over a tooth to improve its aesthetic appearance. They can be used to improve your smile or to correct some dental issues. Veneers look like natural teeth. They can be fabricated with composites or porcelain. In order to determine if you are a candidate for veneers feel free to consult with our dental team.



Whitening procedures have effectively restored the smile of people with stained, dull, or discolored teeth. The darker tissue of your teeth, the dentin, can become exposed as the outer layer of enamel is worn away by the effects of aging or things like caffeine and tobacco.

Periodontal Services

Gum Disease/Periodontitis:

Gum Disease/Periodontitis:

Periodontitis commonly known as gum disease or periodontal disease is a severe gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone surrounding your teeth. It is quite common but preventable. If left untreated it can lead to tooth loss and the destruction of the jawbone. It is caused by poor brushing, lack of flossing, and missing regular dental visits. Patients with periodontal disease experience bad breath, red inflamed gum, receding gums, and loose teeth.


Professional cleanings of the pockets around the teeth known as scaling and root planning can help prevent damage to the jawbone. After the scaling and root planning is completed it is required to keep 3-month maintenance appointments to prevent the disease from escalating. In more advanced situations periodontal surgery may be required.

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© Saul Dental Group. 2025.